Sankey Diagrams – Science In A Nutshell – YouTube

Here’s a handy video showing how Sankey diagrams can be used in Science with regards to energy, power, efficiency, etc. There’s explanation as to how the diagram works (useful vs wasted energy) and about the energy involved. Very useful for AQA Energy and Efficiency.

Sankey Diagrams – Science In A Nutshell – YouTube.

E is for Explore!: Red Bull and Milk Reaction

E is for Explore!: Red Bull and Milk Reaction.

What happens when you add Red Bull to milk in a 1:1 ratio?

What about vinegar and milk in the same ratio?

Change the type of milk from whole, to semi, to skimmed!

Why does any of this happen?

This simple, quick and clean demonstration is perfect for an introduction to States of Matter, to get brains thinking on an Open Evening or as a mini experiment for a STEM session.

Definitely one to try out! And easily performed and explained at home.